Fresh off the plane, Konnichiwa
I just landed in Tokyo and will be in Asia for the next 3 months. The plan is to live in Japan, Taiwan, China, the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, and India before making it home in time for Christmas.
Why Asia?
For one, I've never been.
For two, the continent is home to an incredible amount of the world's population. I'm excited to compare how people live to how we live in the States.
Third, the entire continent has seen an intense amount of history unfold in the last 100 years—economically, politically, and socially. I am looking forward to getting a first-hand account of what things look like now.
Fourth, I'm looking to get out of my comfort zone and learn about myself. An entire continent where I don't know the language or cultural nuance seems like a great place to start.
What's the plan?
In the mornings, I'm going to read, write, and think. That should help keep me sane and give me the bit of structure I need to thrive.
Afternoons are going to be spent exploring, talking to locals (probably with a fair bit of handwaving), and just plain sitting and observing.
Much food will be consumed. Many calories will be burned. Walking, hiking, and biking will be the primary modes of transport.
I’ll be staying in hostels. I'm looking forward to meeting fellow travelers along the way.
I'm going to make myself a target for serendipitous moments by being friendly, hanging out at cafes, parks, and bars, and saying yes when I would otherwise say no.
It's going to be a trying three months. The longest I've spent on my own was in Europe for 5 days, and even that was tiring. But I'm excited for the amount of self-agency that will develop and the memories to be made along the way.
That's what I'm up to. I'll be posting updates along the way!
p.s. This is not a travel blog, but thus far, travel has provided the best ammunition for thought! Check out my website to see other musings on various subjects and Surface Tension to hear ongoing thoughts and curiosities.